DETROIT – Bringing dogs to work is a perk that would have seemed unheard of years ago, but Quicken Loans in Downtown Detroit has made it a reality.

The working world is a challenge for parents of young children. Sometimes they can work remotely from home, but that doesn’t work for everybody. There are times when life takes an unexpected turn, forcing them to take children to work with them.

The most common option for working parents is childcare, which can bring in a whole new set of issues. Parents of children aren’t the only ones struggling with the problem -- what about pet owners?

The atmosphere on the 13th floor of Quicken Loans headquarters in Downtown Detroit shouldn’t fool you -- it’s a high-pressure job. Quicken Loans decided to initiate a program that helps dog owners with daycare and create a calming influence to diffuse some of the stress.

Apollo, a 2-year-old German shepherd, has been going to work for about six months. Charlie has been going to work for almost two years and thinks he’s about ready for a promotion to the executive floor, which explains his tie.

The company is sure to establish well-marked dog zones to help people who might be allergic to or fearful of dogs.

Kristen Ryda brings Benny, a 5-month-old golden doodle to work with her about twice a week.

“My whole team loves Benny," Ryda said. “He brightens up their day.”

According to a recent national survey of young professionals, two-third of pet parents say they consider a pet-friendly workplace one of the most important benefits of their jobs.

Quicken Loans is looking to fill 2,000 new positions. With openings on nearly every team, company officials said it’s likely a new hire will end up in one of the nine dog-friendly buildings. No previous work experience is required for those with a tail.

To hear from Quicken Loans employees and meet some of the dogs, watch Steve Garagiola’s full story in the video posted above.