Q: With so many complaining about speeding on our freeways, it reminded me about a solution that was put into existence several years ago. The Fab 5! Do you remember them, Gary? Just knowing that they were lurking in the shadows along Highway 85 put the fear of God into those crazy speeders. Sure would be nice to resurrect them again.

Daniel Chapman, Santa Clara 

A: Truer words have seldom been spoken. The CHP set up a five-person motorcycle team from 2007 to 2012 to crack down on speeders on South Bay freeways.

The Fab Five was a Roadshow favorite, bringing order to the speeding crisis. They had a field day, issuing more than 11,000 tickets in 2008, or more than double the 4,155 handed out the previous year by the entire 70-plus San Jose division.

Better yet, drivers quickly learned this was not an area to race at high speeds and began slowing down. The CHP told stories of ticketing motorists who would then mistakenly think they were in the clear to resume speeding, only to discover another officer down the freeway and get a second ticket a few minutes later.


Q: I started keeping track of how many CHPs I see on Highway 101 between Sunnyvale and Palo Alto on my commute. Last week, none. But guess when and where I found them? Interstate 280 between Los Altos and Palo Alto on Saturday morning — three of them! Most CHPs I’ve seen in weeks.

They appeared to be giving out tickets to unlucky drivers driving 70 or 75 in the ridiculously posted 55-mph zones, which includes newly paved sections where it would be safe to drive 80 because of the new asphalt.

Nobody working in the construction zones. No construction or paving equipment anywhere. Happy weekend driving, everyone.

Ed King, Sunnyvale

A: Up north …

Q: Last Friday, while driving to Concord on Highway 4, there was one of these guys driving really fast and weaving in and out. To my surprise and glee, a few minutes later, I saw the same driver on the side of the road with the CHP. One of the few times I’ve had this rewarding experience.

Frank Heinisch, Brentwood

A: This was part of beefed-up patrols for Super Bowl weekend.

Q: Scofflaw drivers always slow right down the moment they sight the CHP. They are cowards.

Gina Reid, Santa Cruz

A: Cowards, indeed.

Q:  Any update on when Meridian Avenue in San Jose between Blossom Hill Road and Camden Avenue will be repaved? It is getting progressively worse.

Mike Glantz, San Jose

A: Yep, later this year.

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at www.mercurynews.com/live-chats. Look for Gary Richards at Facebook.com/mr.roadshow or contact him at mrroadshow@bayareanewsgroup.com or 408-920-5335.