We can blame the coronavirus pandemic and shelter-in-place order for a lot of things, but thankfully, it has not produced a sudden invasion of rats.

We might be more aware of them than usual, in our home-all-the-time state, but the number of rats we have now is about the same as in any given year.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had warned of waves of rats flooding into residential areas early on in the pandemic, and some cities, including New York and New Orleans, saw masses of rats pouring into areas in search of food. Officials cited the closure of restaurants and thus the emptier garbage bins, a rat’s favorite dining spot, as the cause. Without their usual fare, the CDC said, the rats would seek out urban and suburban garbage cans, fruits and vegetables, and unattended pet food bowls.

But in the Bay Area, representatives from two vector control districts say the rat problem has yet to materialize — and with luck, it won’t.

Megan Sebay, public health education and outreach officer for the San Mateo County Mosquito and Vector Control District, says the agency has not seen an increase in the number of people calling for help or advice about rodents. The number of complaints has been fairly consistent with other years.

Sebay speculates that might be because many Bay Area restaurants were able to remain operating, although on a reduced level, offering take-out food.

The lack of increased calls is mirrored at the Contra Costa County Mosquito and Vector Control District, as well.

Andrew Pierce, public information and technology officer, says the vertebrate control office of the agency has reported business as usual when it comes to rodent complaints, although the agency has stepped up its own surveillance in areas known to be rat hot spots to get a head start on any rodent influx.

Tips for living with rats

Rats and mice have not been domesticated, but they are commensal, meaning that they live with or near humans and mostly depend on us for their food and shelter. They are also opportunistic feeders and will eat a wide variety of foods. While we’ll never get rid of all rodents, we can limit our exposure.

  • If you feed your pets outdoors, bring food in when meal time is done.
  • Try a pepper-infused seed in your bird feeders to discourage the rodents.
  • Make sure your garbage cans are closed and that you don’t leave garbage out.
  • Vegetable gardens and fruit trees also attract rats. You’ll need to create barriers to prevent them climbing trees, or wire cages to keep them out of gardens.
  • Seal holes with caulking or stuff them with steel wool, and replace weather strips beneath doors to eliminate entry points. Remember, rats can squeeze through an opening the size of a quarter.
  • Check garages, attics, ground covers and inside car engine compartments for rodent nests.
  • Do not use poisons or glue traps, which kill cruelly and increase the chance of killing an animal that you didn’t intend to.
  • Need help? Contact your area vector control district. They can guide you on rodent-proofing your home and property.

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